AI/Fire: the predictive analysis of fires becomes a reality

event 10/11/2021

AI/Fire is an Applied Innovation project, with the purpose of experimenting an Early Warning methodology in 3 real use cases by creating an integrated platform for Wildfire sensing. This way, it was possible to collect and elaborate in real time data coming from environment sensors and surveillance devices, in order to monitor and prevent wildfires through Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms and Machine Learning.

The project was funded under the POR Calabria FESR 2014/2020, AXIS I – PROMOTION OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION, Action 1.3.2 Support for the generation of innovative solutions to specific problems of social importance, also through the use of open innovation environments such as Living Labs
Environment and natural hazards

The AI/Fire project has three main objectives:

  • Creating an integrated platform for wildfire sensing
  • Experimenting early warning methodology
  • Validating early warning methodology in 3 real use cases, with the collaboration of the municipalities of Bianchi, Aprigliano and Mormanno.

The partners who took part in the project are: Extra Red, as head of the partnership, Tea Engineering and CNR ISAC.

Extra Red was involved with building the software infrastructure for the project and integrating the climatic monitoring sensors, as well as taking care of the predictive analysis of wildfires and the Digital Twin module.

Moreover, in addition to taking part in the co-development of the functional specifications, Extra Red was involved in the AI/Fire platform front-end development, which included a web application and a mobile application.

Learn more on the official project website

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