CNR IFC, Agorà: monitoring pathological gambling


CNR IFC- Agorà: monitoring pathological gambling
Institute of Clinical Physiology, CNR (National Research Council), Pisa
Regions, Municipalities, Healthcare organizations, Addiction services
Making data on gambling available
Building a web platform for systematizing and providing knowledge related to gambling addiction in Tuscany

The activity was carried out after being awarded a contract, and it was made in partnership with the Institute of Clinical Physiology’s Epidemiology and Healthcare Research Lab at CNR (National Research Council) in Pisa, which among other things has been studying the monitoring of Gambling Disorder for several years.

Liferay was used to create a web portal, the “Agorà Telematica” platform, a project developed as part of an agreement with Regione Toscana whose purpose is to support CNR’s research activities as well as the activities carried out by the other stakeholders involved in the Regional plan against gambling (Tuscany’s National Italian Municipalities Association (ANCI), local AUSLs and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies), thus becoming a reference point for centralizing and systematizing data flows and information, news and events related to GD.