funded research detail
CIRPASS2: the European project for the implementation of the Digital Product Passport
event 11/03/2025
In the current context, marked by increasing focus on digitalization and sustainability, CIRPASS2 aims to implement solutions based on the Digital Product Passport across various industrial sectors, including electronics, textiles, tires, and construction. This tool will be essential for improving product traceability and promoting more efficient resource management within a truly circular economy.

The digital transition and the circular economy meet with CIRPASS2, the European project aimed at developing the Digital Product Passport (DPP) System for several industrial sectors, promoting transparent and sustainable data management throughout the entire value chain. Extra Red Engineering Group is among the key players in this initiative, funded under the Horizon Europe program (Call DIGITAL-2023-CLOUD-DATA-04), with a total budget of 12,558,703.42 euros, of which 50% is covered by European funds. The project will last for 36 months, starting in May 2024.
A project for traceability and sustainability
Thanks to the adoption of advanced technologies such as IDS Standard Connector and distributed data sharing systems, the project aims to create a secure and effective digital ecosystem for the exchange of information between the various actors in the value chain, relying on a central repository capable of retrieving source data from heterogeneous origin systems.
The role of Extra Red: innovation for a more connected future
Extra Red Engineering Group is responsible for:
- Designing and developing a European Digital Product Passport (DPP) System based on IDS Standard Connector and specific ontologies, ensuring secure and decentralized data sharing between a European registry and the various companies interested in obtaining information about digital passports in various industrial sectors.
- Supporting companies in adopting the new DPP system by providing tools and expertise to facilitate integration and compliance with the new digital regulations.
A new standard for European industry
The implementation of the Digital Product Passport System represents a fundamental step for European industry, allowing more transparent and structured access to product information. This system will enable the optimization of recycling, reuse, and resource management processes, contributing significantly to the European Union’s sustainability goals.
With the CIRPASS2 project, Extra Red Engineering Group reaffirms its leadership in digital transformation, contributing to the development of an innovative infrastructure for data management and European sustainability.
Learn more on the official project website
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DigiPrime: implementing a new concept of circular economy in order to minimize waste and make industrial re-use possible
event 15/11/2019
The purpose of DigiPrime is the creation of a digital federated platform for Smart Factories connected to one another based on a new concept of circular economy. The nodes of the federation offer interoperable functions and data, which can be accessed by other nodes, combined by local data and services.

The connectors and the open interfaces allow for an easy integration of new services, supplied by third parties and not made accessible outside the federation itself.
The main functions of the platform can be grouped into the following services:
- Value chain-oriented, related to product lifecycle (product information management, product co-creation, LCAs-LCCs for eco-design, identification of logistical barriers, legislative support).
- Operational vertical services, sector-specific (demand and supply monitoring, production planning and control, material testing and certifications).
The project involves 35 partners from different European countries, including various companies belonging to 5 different domains related to circular entities, such as: batteries, automotive sector, textiles, industrial polymers, circular hubs for new ideas of Value Chains among European countries.
Extra Red provided the partnership with its industrial expertise in integrating and building core components and developed services. Extra Red’s main role was that of System Integrator for the services, by designing and implementing a hybrid cloud architecture based on microservices.
Learn more on the official project website
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Ubicare: a way of making post-hospitalization at the patient’s place possible and efficient
event 26/03/2018
Ubicare (Ubiquitous Integrated Care) allows the integration to the digital medical records in compliance with the adopted regional standard, as well as updating and browsing the clinical evolution of the monitored patients.

The interoperability platform is based on the NEWS (National Early Warning Score), the reference standardized clinical protocol, currently approved by Regione Toscana in the DGRT n.10 of 2010 and already in use in Great Britain and USA.
The system is able to monitor the patient after his hospitalization and avoid another, thanks to the remote control of the constant monitoring on the patients themselves.
The system is made of 2 macro-components:
- data collection through devices, curated by AB Medica Spa..
- elaboration of data logics through the middleware platform, curated by Extra Red.
The partners who took part in the project are AB Medica, as the head company, Extra Red and BeeApp, an agency specialized in the development of mobile apps for smartphones, tablets and objects connected to the Internet of Things.
Extra Red created a system for collecting and standardizing the parameters detected by the devices, in order to build an almost real-time monitoring center which could be used in the hospital wards as a point of control. The logging and storage of data allows for the implementation of an advanced medical record, easily usable thanks to a microservice architecture on PaaS. Moreover, Extra Red developed the middleware layer of communication related to all the info handled by the Ubicare system.
Learn more on the official project website
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Lethe: the memory-friendly technology
event 14/01/2021
Lethe (λήθη) is a customized prediction and intervention model for early diagnosis and reduction of the risk factors causing dementia, based on AI and distributed Machine Learning.

Lethe is based on the results of the FINGER study and uses innovative lifestyle prediction models. The main objective of Lethe is the prevention of the entire spectrum of cognitive decline in the elderly at-risk population, ranging from asymptomatic cognitive decline to subjective or light decline, until precocious Alzheimer’s dementia (AD).
Lethe’s main activities were about:
- Developing dementia prediction models and a monitoring and intervention system based on IoT technologies
- Elaborating a shared group of prediction models based on an initial set of clinical data and digital biomarkers, together with a distributed Machine Learning model and data collection
- Introducing a new manner of interaction by using the wearable Smart Glasses technology
- Creating a mobile app for the participants to the experiment
- Implementing a Big Data Framework used for cleaning, collecting (in compliance with GDPR) and elaborating the data, followed by the execution of AI algorithms for predictive modeling of cognitive decline and risk factors development.
The Lethe project counts 15 different partners from all over Europe, including the University of Vienna, the University of Perugia, the Finnish Health Institute and Alzheimer Europe, a non-governmental non-profit organization – as well as a SME in the ICT sector – whose mission is making dementia a priority at European level.
Extra Red provided the partnership with its expertise in System Integration and in the development, building and implementation of hybrid cloud architectures based on microservices. It also provided middleware open source technologies for managing cloud environments and Big Data Analytics. It supported the development of the architecture and deployed the most advanced technologies in terms of Big Data.
Learn more on the official project website
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AI/Fire: the predictive analysis of fires becomes a reality
event 10/11/2021
AI/Fire is an Applied Innovation project, with the purpose of experimenting an Early Warning methodology in 3 real use cases by creating an integrated platform for Wildfire sensing. This way, it was possible to collect and elaborate in real time data coming from environment sensors and surveillance devices, in order to monitor and prevent wildfires through Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms and Machine Learning.

The AI/Fire project has three main objectives:
- Creating an integrated platform for wildfire sensing
- Experimenting early warning methodology
- Validating early warning methodology in 3 real use cases, with the collaboration of the municipalities of Bianchi, Aprigliano and Mormanno.
The partners who took part in the project are: Extra Red, as head of the partnership, Tea Engineering and CNR ISAC.
Extra Red was involved with building the software infrastructure for the project and integrating the climatic monitoring sensors, as well as taking care of the predictive analysis of wildfires and the Digital Twin module.
Moreover, in addition to taking part in the co-development of the functional specifications, Extra Red was involved in the AI/Fire platform front-end development, which included a web application and a mobile application.
Learn more on the official project website
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Pribos: the support for fighting wildfires comes from the Cloud
event 04/05/2018
Pribos is a software platform whose purpose is predicting wildfires in areas of geological risk and managing emergency operations.

The purpose of PRIBOS is the definition of a complex system for:
- Predicting the start of wildfires and planning the emergency operations.
- Real-time handling of the emergency situation by evaluating thermal emissions and smoke dispersion, in order to optimize the mitigation interventions while ensuring the safety of the operators.
- Proactively handling the information from and for the population, in order to limitate the risk factor and the human and material losses, thanks to a data integration platform. The information is conveyed between the citizens and the entities responsible for tackling the emergency through a mobile application tasked with the real-time transmission of the details collected during the extinguishment and contrast stages.
The partners who took part in the project are Extra Red Srl, as head of the partnership, and Tea Engineering and STA team as partners.
Extra Red's main activities were:
- Collecting information about the territory through official regional Open Data and identifying 16 layers representing the entire Calabria territory.
- Developing a layer of data capture from valid weather stations, in correlation with the environmental factors related to soil and urban centers in order to build a risk and damage gravity scale.
- Creation of a web application for generating predictive simulations, as well as of a mobile app for real-time communication between the citizens and the entities responsible for tackling the emergency.