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Cloud Solution Architect
Extra Red sta ricercando un Cloud Solution Architect, responsabile della produzione di progetti tecnici di infrastrutture a supporto del business in linea con la strategia tecnica dell'organizzazione e gli sviluppi del mercato.
Il ruolo di Cloud Solution Architect prevede la generazione di progetti infrastrutturali in risposta ai requisiti aziendali/di progetto e il contributo allo sviluppo e al mantenimento di roadmap tecniche che supportano la strategia del Gruppo Engineering/del cliente e forniscono servizi solidi a un valore aggiunto. Il Cloud Solution Architect ha la responsabilità degli aspetti generali di progettazione dell'infrastruttura dei progetti assegnati, lavorando a stretto contatto con il cliente, altre PMI, architetti, costruzione di infrastrutture, gestione dei progetti e servizi IT per garantire soluzioni standard conformi alla strategia e alla politica. È richiesta la presenza presso la sede del cliente durante il SAL e le riunioni tecniche su richiesta.
Le competenze principali richieste sono:
Esperienza di project management in particolar modo in ambito PAC
Produzione di progetti tecnici infrastrutturali in risposta ai requisiti aziendali/di progetto
Business Development
Forte autonomia e proattività
Richiesta presenza presso la sede del cliente con cui dovrà collaborare a stretto contatto
Competenze sui temi Cloud, DevOps, Automation e Container Platform
Molto gradite esperienze pregresse sul portfolio delle soluzioni Red Hat
Basato su Roma
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Digital Sales Manager
Are you tired of offering obsolete services and technologies? Do you want to be part of a dynamic environment, where you can work on complex, high value-added projects based on emerging technologies?
If that’s you… then Extra Red is your company!
We are Extra Group’s society specializing in designing and implementing complex, Open Source applications (and more).
Thanks to the partnership with important market players such as Red Hat, IBM, Liferay, InfluxDB and AWS, we are a unique business in Italy. We offer System Integration, Application Maintenance and Consulting services, supporting our customers in modernizing and optimizing their business processes through projects based on middleware, DevOps, Cloud, Big Data Analytics, AI and by developing complex and highly customized portals.
We are in the process of strenghtening our sales department, made of a pre-sales and a sales team working in close synergy; therefore, we’re looking for a Senior Sales Account with the following responsibilities:
- Following the business development through the definition and application of strategies aimed at improving the relationship with existing customers and prospects
- Analyzing the specific customer needs by mapping their requirements with a consulting approach, up until the creation of business cases in accordance to the customer’s business model
- Negotiating for closing new deals and collaborating with the pre-sales and delivery areas for defining the contents of the commercial offers
- Making presentations, live platform demonstrations and PoCs
- Analyzing costs and activation times for the proposed solutions
- Experience in selling IT services and projects in the B2B market (we’ll also consider similar fields)
- Dynamic and proactive approach
- Standing and networking skills up to the CxO level
- Good knowledge of spoken and written English
- Available to travel within Italy and abroad
- The profile is completed by outstanding interpersonal skills, determination, flexibility, reliability and strong focus on reaching business goals
What are we offering?
- A company of 80 people, young, dynamic and ambitious, where sharing, openness and meritocracy come first
- An incentivizing system that will reward you when you reach your own goals and the company’s
We offer a permanent contract, NCBA Metalworking and Mechanical Engineering Industry, Ticket Restaurant, company welfare and benefits, company car and a salary proportioned to experience and qualifications.
Place of work:
Our office is based in Pontedera (PI), but we’ll also consider full-remote candidates.
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Backend Developer
Would you like to be part of a young and dynamic company, a company investing in their talents and in technological innovation?
If so, Extra Red is the company for you!
We are a Technology Service Provider which, partnering with important players such as Red Hat, IBM, Liferay, InfluxDB e AWS, is specialized in creating customized solutions for major customers in various sectors, offering them qualified expertise on topics such as Middleware, Cloud Computing, DevOps, Application Modernization and Migration, and Big Data Analytics.
We’re looking for a talented JAVA DEVELOPER just like you, someone who can strengthen the delivery team and act as a valuable asset to the company.
You’ll work in the field of back-end development and you’ll be a part of our teams specialized in building software applications supporting the customers’ IT processes. You’ll be involved in designing, maintaining and evolving complex applications, following the entire software lifecycle: from the analysis of technical and functional requisites, to the system deployment and application maintenance.
- Experience in developing Java EE applications and with the main frameworks such as Spring/Springboot
- Experience with IDEs (IntelliJ, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code etc.)
- Knowledge of the processes and experience in using tools supporting versioning and CI/CD (e.g. GIT/SVN, Maven, Jenkins)
- Knowledge of the best practices in designing and developiong software to guarantee performance, reliability and security
- Knowledge of the main application servers (e.g. Tomcat)
- Knowledge of the technologies used for API web development (REST, JSON, OpenAPI etc.)
- Knowledge of at least one data access framework (JPA/Hibernate, Spring Data etc.)
- Knowledge of the SQL language and at least one Database (Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySql etc.)
- Knowledge of Docker containers and their practical use.
How will you grow?
You’ll have the possibility of working with modern technologies and the most innovative frameworks.
OpenShift, Ansible, Kafka and Apache Camel are just a few of the products we offer, when talking about application modernization, application integration, DevOps and BPM.
You’ll also work with tools such as Maven, Spring Boot, Docker, and with container orchestrators such as Kubernetes and OpenShift.
What are we offering?
Smart Working: we believe in the value of free time, so we want to create a balance between private and professional life. Because of this, we mostly work in hybrid or full remote mode.
Constant learning: we constantly invest in training our teams, defining learning paths and accreditation paths for the most ambitious colleagues.
A great environment and team spirit: we promote cohesion, collaboration and brainstorming, at all levels.
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Cloud System Engineer
Hai maturato esperienza nella gestione di infrastrutture e Cloud più o meno complessi e sono una tua passione? Allora siamo alla ricerca di persone come te.
Grazie alla partnership con Red Hat siamo in grado di offrirti una formazione di livello elevatissimo, e svilupperai le seguenti responsabilità:
Verrai coinvolto/a su progetti interni, trasversali a tutti gli ambiti di competenza dell’azienda, ed esterni, su architetture già presenti o in via di realizzazione. Il coinvolgimento può essere sia dal punto di vista prettamente infrastrutturale (creazione/installazione/configurazione server e piattaforma), ma anche esclusivamente applicativo (installazione/configurazione software, analisi malfunzionamenti e tuning
Il coinvolgimento riguarderà la manutenzione di ambienti Linux e cluster Red Hat OpenShift presenti presso le infrastrutture dei clienti o sul nostro cloud aziendale. L’ingaggio sarà tramite piattaforma di ticketing oppure tramite coinvolgimenti più lunghi su progettualità relative a clienti o progetti (nazionali ed europei).
Non è esclusa la possibilità di brevi trasferte per interventi in loco presso il cliente.
Sarai coinvolto/a nei turni settimanali di reperibilità h24 per alcuni clienti.
Disponibili a full remote in caso di domicilio fuori regione Toscana.
Competenze richieste:
- Esperienza consolidata su sistema operativo Linux
- Esperienza consolidata nell’utilizzo di soluzioni containerizzate (ad es: Docker)
Competenze aggiuntive gradite:
- Conoscenze nell'ambito della Container Orchestration (ad es.: Kubernetes, OpenShift, ..)
- Familiarità con prodotti del mondo Red Hat o suoi corrispettivi in versione comunitaria (OpenShift, Ansible, Quay, ..)
- Conoscenze nella gestione, configurazione e manutenzione di infrastrutture cloud e virtualizzate (ad es.: AWS, Azure, vMware vSphere, ..)
- Esperienze nell'installazione e configurazione di database e applicativi su sistema operativo Linux
Caratteristiche personali:
- Forte propensione al troubleshooting, alla condivisione delle conoscenze e all'organizzazione del proprio lavoro in maniera dinamica e proattiva.
- È gradita inoltre una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.
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DevOps Engineer
Do you like solving problems and making processes easier and more efficient? Are you interested in the new DevOps frontier? Extra Red will help you develop skills in the field!
We’re looking for young talents in the DevOps field to strengthen our teams and structures.
You’ll be part of our teams specialized in creating management and automation systems for software application lifecycles supporting our customers’ IT processes.
You’ll be involved in designing, creating and evolving automation processes, following the entire software production cycles: from code repositories to automation pipelines and software deployment, as well as application monitoring in a cloud environment.
- Degree or diploma in Computer Science or related scientific subjects
- Knowledge of at least one coding language (preferable: Java, Go or scripting languages)
- Knowledge of at least one IDE (IntelliJ, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code etc.)
- Knowledge of Git
- Knowledge of Linux OS
- Knowledge of English.
Preferable/additional requirements:
- Knowledge of Docker containers and their practical use
- Knowlegde of build management tools such as Maven, Gradle, Ant or Make
- Knowledge of at least one scripting language (Bash, Groovy, Perl or Lua)
- Knowledge of Linux SO administration
- Knowledge of tools such as Jenkins, Ansible or Sonar
- Knowledge of the Agile practices.
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Senior Cloud System Engineer
Do you have experience in managing Cloud and infrastructures, of various degrees of complexity, and do you consider it your passion? Then, we’re looking for someone just like you.
Thanks to our partnership with Red Hat we can offer you state-of-the-art training. You’ll develop the following responsibilities:
- You’ll be involved with the design of complex architectures based on the customer’s requirements, choosing the best technologies and solutions for each case.
- You’ll strengthen and maintain the company’s cloud structure (Red Cloud) and the related tools, based on Extra Group’s and the external clients’ requests.
- You’ll be involved in internal projects across all the fields the group is specialized in, as well as external projects, working on existing architectures or architectures to be designed from scratch on the basis of the requirements provided. Your involvement will be on a purely infrastructural point of view (creation/installation/configuration of servers and platform), but also exclusively related to the applications (installation/configuration of software, analysis of malfunctions and resource tuning).
- Possibility of short trips for working on site at the customer’s premises.
- You’ll be involved in the weekly H24 on-call duty shifts for some clients.
Required skills:
- Experience in managing, configuring and maintaining cloud and virtualized infrastructures
- Experience in installing and configuring databases and applications on Linux OS
- Experience in installing and managing containerized solutions
Preferable additional skills:
- Knowledge of Container Orchestration (e.g. Kubernetes, OpenShift…)
- Familiarity with Red Hat products or related products in community version (OpenStack, OpenShift, Ansible, Quay…)
- Knowledge in the field of cybersecurity and network security, to be applied both in the internal company network and in the business Cloud infrastructures, related for example to network monitoring, firewall and perimeter security, assessment and penetration test both at infrastructural and application level
- Authentication systems and protocols (e.g. RH SSO, Keycloak)
- Knowledge of the Microsoft world (e.g. Windows OS, Microsoft Azure, SQL Server, Active Directory…)
Personal skills:
- Strong attitude towards troubleshooting and knowledge sharing, as well as an ability to organize your work dynamically and proactively.
- A good knowledge of English is appreciated.
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Data Scientist
The resource will be part of our Data Team and they will actively take part in the activities related to machine learning projects, in collaboration with the various stakeholders.
- Requirements analysis
- Technical and functional documents
- Project architecture design
- Database design
- Development of machine learning models
- Front-end creation for data visualization
- Testing and model validation
- Installation and model deploy configuration
Required skills:
- Great knowledge of relational databases (SQL language)
- Great knowledge of ML projects development methodology: data mining, business intelligence, data discovery, predictive models, data visualization
- Good knowledge of Cloud Azure ML services
- Good knowledge of non-relational databases (NoSQL)
- Good knowledge of Python programming language
- Knowledge of deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, Caffe, DeepLearning4J etc.)
- Base knowledge of Hadoop framework and Big Data architectures in general (Mapreduce, Spark etc.)
- Knowledge of IoT architectures and related protocols (Kafka, MQTT)
- Container-based architectures (e.g. Docker)
- Degree in Computer Science, Digital Humanities, or Master’s Degree in Data Science
- Attitude to problem solving
- Precision
- Attitude to teamwork
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Cloud Solution Architect

Digital Sales Manager

Backend Developer

Cloud System Engineer

DevOps Engineer

Senior Cloud System Engineer