Sispi: infrastruttura per sviluppo di applicazioni cloud native
Sispi: infrastruttura per sviluppo di applicazioni cloud native

SISPI is the in-house company of the Municipality of Palermo, currently the sole shareholder of the company, with the aim of managing the Municipal Computer and Telematics System (SITEC). Over time, Sispi (Palermo Informatics System) has expanded its scope, integrating the management of SITEC with the development of innovative and complex solutions that align with the overall strategic vision of the City of Palermo as outlined by the Digital Palermo Agenda.
The project involved us in creating a cloud infrastructure based on the Red Hat Openstack platform. The system provides services to municipalities within the metropolitan area of Palermo. Additionally, we supported the client in defining guidelines for the creation of CI/CD and the methods of development and deployment of software applications, following the principles of containerized microservices architecture. The system ensures operational continuity of the implemented applications according to the principles of Application Modernization and Migration (AMM).