Sanità Toscana: Second-Level CUP (Orchestration and Interoperability in Service of the Tuscan Region CUP)
Maria Giulia Cecchini
Modified 1 Year ago.
Sanità Toscana: Second-Level CUP (Orchestration and Interoperability in Service of the Tuscan Region CUP)

Meyer University Hospital and Tuscan Regional Health Agency
Public Health
Provision of a single second-level CUP software, replacing the four currently used software systems
Implementation of integrations between the second-level CUP software and regional platforms, as well as hospital department software
The awarded contract saw Extra Red as the winner in a joint venture with Onit Srl, tasked with developing and maintaining the application integrations between the new CUP software and the numerous verticals present in hospital departments.
The implemented solution is based on the use of Red Hat JBoss Fuse technology, which provided a middleware platform for orchestration and integration logic implementation, facilitating message flow and offering an error-resistant solution. This involves message transformation and enrichment, routing and processing, data modification and management in the appropriate format.
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